
Best Of Saturn

Tokyo Shadow #BestOfSaturn

Taito’s 1996 release Tokyo Shadow is a cool mix of FMV and graphic adventure. You are Hide, and along with your girlfriend Kyoko, you are investigating a supernatural lightning strike…

Best Of Saturn

Taito Chase HQ Plus SCI #BestOfSaturn

Taito released the two-game compilation Chase HQ (1988) and Special Criminal Investigation (SCI, 1989) for Japanese Saturns in 1996. Fairly frills-free, these straightforward coin-op conversions have you chase criminal cars…

Elevator Action Returns Banner News

Elevator Action Returns S-Tribute Hits Modern Platforms

The Saturn version of 2D sidescrolling shooter Elevator Action Returns was released worldwide for modern platforms today, its publisher announced. 極秘データを入手し脱出せよ!傑作2Dアクションの家庭用バージョンが新機能を搭載して復活!『エレベーターアクション リターンズ Sトリビュート』Nintendo Switch、PlayStation 4、Xbox One、Steamにて本日発売!▼公式サイトhttps://t.co/O536JkLFkS#エレベーターアクションリターンズ pic.twitter.com/E9EybnLalO— CITY CONNECTION (@claricedisc)…

Cleopatra Fortune S-Tribute Banner News

Cleopatra Fortune S-Tribute Hits Modern Platforms

The Saturn version of arcade puzzle game Cleopatra Fortune was released worldwide for modern platforms today, its publisher announced. エジプトが舞台の思考型パズルゲームが新機能を搭載して復活!『クレオパトラフォーチュン Sトリビュート』Nintendo Switch、PlayStation 4、Xbox One、Steamにて本日発売!▼公式サイトhttps://t.co/TFMDnDHRiJ#クレオパトラフォーチュン #Sトリビュート pic.twitter.com/Ga37U8bkfU— CITY CONNECTION (@claricedisc) November…