

My Gaming Story: Part 1

Growing up in the 90’s was a blast! We witnessed the return of video games from a dire market crash and saw them flourish and go on to break the 3D barrier and beyond. It was a very exciting time in video game history, and I have many stories and mem…

Best Of Saturn

Bulk Slash #BestOfSaturn

Many of the Saturn’s best games remain locked away in Japan… until they receive the fan translation treatment! Bulk Slash is the hybrid arcade action mech dating simulator you never…

Best Of Saturn

Sky Target #BestOfSaturn

Sky Target is an arcade Model 2 experience with a Saturn port released in the first half of 1997. Converted by Appaloosa (Ecco series), the title is like a slow…

Elevator Action Returns Banner News

Elevator Action Returns S-Tribute Hits Modern Platforms

The Saturn version of 2D sidescrolling shooter Elevator Action Returns was released worldwide for modern platforms today, its publisher announced. 極秘データを入手し脱出せよ!傑作2Dアクションの家庭用バージョンが新機能を搭載して復活!『エレベーターアクション リターンズ Sトリビュート』Nintendo Switch、PlayStation 4、Xbox One、Steamにて本日発売!▼公式サイトエレベーターアクションリターンズ— CITY CONNECTION (@claricedisc)…