
Best Of Saturn

Blast Wind #BestOfSaturn

This is the third week in a row showcasing a Saturn shmup, and this time it’s TechnoSoft’s Blast Wind. Released in Japan in January 1997, its limited print run means…

Best Of Saturn

Hyper Duel #BestOfSaturn

Partly inspired by the ThunderForce series, Hyper Duel is a 1993 TechnoSoft arcade horizontal shmup that got a Japanese Saturn release in late 1996. Man one of the highly experimental…

Best Of Saturn

DoDonPachi #BestOfSaturn

Oh, Cave. Your bullet hell shmups are such a delight, and DoDonPachi is no exception. Hitting the Japanese Saturn in late 1997, players choose from three ships each with a…

Best Of Saturn

Hissatsu! #BestOfSaturn

Based on a very long-running Japanese period drama, Hissatsu! is a side-scrolling action game very much in the vein of the Shinobi series. You and your associates travel from town…

Best Of Saturn

Phantasmagoria #BestOfSaturn

Ohh, what a game. Coming in at a massive eight CDs, the recently fan translation patched Phantasmagoria has you, as writer Adrienne Delaney, solve the mystery of the creepy old…

Best Of Saturn

Horror Tour #BestOfSaturn

A Japanese MYST-style point-and-click horror adventure, Horror Tour (Zeddas: Servant of Sheol for the PC and Mac English release) takes place in the maze-like Rodvydel Castle. The castle was taken…

BONUS: SHIRO! Breakfast Club Cast @ PRGE 2023

SHIRO’s Nick, Dave, and Pat discuss the goings on at PRGE 2023 over a nice, humble breakfast.
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Back to the Mansion…

This isn’t Dr. Curien’s Mansion The Mansion of Hidden Souls hit the Saturn in early December 1994, barely a month after the Saturn launched on its epic – but fleeting…


The Case for Saturn Castlevania

1998 saw Konami undergo a Saturn renaissance of sorts, committing to release several of their bigger PlayStation hits onto SEGA’s machine – including the previous year’s blockbuster Castlevania: Symphony of…