Eadmaster’s Princess Crown Translation Reaches Version 0.9
Eadmaster continues to make progress on his English fan translation patch for Saturn action RPG Princess Crown, updating it twice in the last month to fit more text on screen,…
Eadmaster continues to make progress on his English fan translation patch for Saturn action RPG Princess Crown, updating it twice in the last month to fit more text on screen,…
Get ready to defend White Base from the Principality of Zeon, Saturn fans — the English fan translation patch for Mobile Suit Gundam is finished and downloadable. The patch’s lead…
Back in October we played an in-progress translation build for the legendary Princess Crown on Sega Saturn. This version was still in its early stages, as version 0.3, but allowed…
The surprise release of an English translation patch for Princess Crown was met with widespread praise among fans, before it was quickly marred with controversy after the original team raised…
Since the publication of this article, we have heard back from eadmaster and published an interview with him. You can read it by clicking here. SamIAm, the person behind a…
Editor’s note: Since this article was published, it has come to our attention that the person who created the patch used old resources and did not communicate with the original…
Right before Portland Retro Gaming Expo 2024, Malenko — who has worked on several fan translations in the past, such as Tokyo Highway Battle ’97 and Saturn Bomberman Fight!! —…
Last month, I released restoration patches for all six discs of “Birdcage of Horrors” (Grauen no Torikago / グラウエンの鳥籠) on the SEGA Dreamcast. Today, I’m proud to announce my team and I…
A classic Sega Saturn action game by legendary developer Treasure now can be played to completion in English thanks to fan translators who uploaded a finished patch for Silhouette Mirage…
An English translation for Saturn dungeon crawler Dungeon Master Nexus was released by a fan Wednesday. The effort came as a surprise to the Saturn community. It was made by…
While a fan translation for the Sega Saturn hasn’t been finished since July — when we got Baroque in English, and Deep Fear and Resident Evil in Spanish — a…
On July 9th, 2023, Gregori Rasputin announced in a thread that him, Soniccd123, and Malenko started work on inserting the PS1 translation by Working Designs into the Saturn version of…
From updates on new peripheral hardware and a fan translation to games we’ve reported on before coming to new platforms, we’ve got a solid slate of news items in the…
You must play Sega Saturn — or as you might say in Spanish, ¡debe jugar a Sega Saturn! Especially now, with a couple of high-profile Spanish fan translations of Saturn…
A fan-made English patch for the Saturn version of first-person roguelike RPG Baroque is now available, coming less than two months after developer Plissken announced he was working on it….
Arjak released an update to his ongoing project to localize J.B. Harold Blue Chicago Blues into English, making available a new patch that translates about half of the game. The…
Just recently, Derek Pascarella (ateam)’s long awaited fan translation, possibly his Magnum Opus of translation projects, Nakoruru: The Gift She Gave Me, has finally been released! For those of you…
We’ve been teasing and showing off the Stellar Assault SS Dub for a while now, and as of today, can proudly announce and present the Stellar Assault SS Dub Patch,…
The big one, the upper echelon game is finally here, Tactics Ogre translated for Saturn! Team Meduza has previously worked on Saturn fan translations such as Castlevania Symphony of the…
Just recently, Twitter user SharkSnack released a Fan Translation demo for the game Shiren the Wanderer Gaiden: Asuka Kenzan on the SEGA Dreamcast. Announcing his intentions to translate this amazing…
Thanks to the incredible Malenko, we are proud to present the Saturn Bomberman Fight!! Fan Translation beta for Patreon supporters!Currently, this changes the character select screen, and other small changes…
On Monday, July 18, Greg (aka Lacquerware) announced that the Bulk Slash Team who brought us the amazing English localization and dub for Bulk Slash, had chosen their new project…
A fan translation patch nearly four years in the making is finished at last. Version 1.0 of Grandia’s English patch went live on the SegaXtreme forums Wednesday, with its developer…
Hello! I hope you’re still enjoying the Bulk Slash English localization patch and have had a chance to unlock and level up some of your favorite navigators. Let us know…