★ EDITOR’S CORNER: EP 29 – Neo Geo on Sega Saturn
Join SaturnDave, TraynoCo, Sega Lord X & Dan the MegaDriver as we talk Neo Geo on Sega Saturn and break down all of the ports that made it to our…
Join SaturnDave, TraynoCo, Sega Lord X & Dan the MegaDriver as we talk Neo Geo on Sega Saturn and break down all of the ports that made it to our…
Grab some eggnog, throw a log on the fire, and join SaturnDave, TraynoCo and The SEGA Guys as they reminisce about their SEGA holiday memories. In addition to the audio…
SaturnDave is joined by good friends, Dan The MegaDriver and Sega Lord X to discuss the ways that SEGA changed from the 4th to 5th to 6th console generations and…
On this latest episode we’re joined by a round table of Saturn Community Game Hackers, including TrekkiesUnite118, Derek Pascarella (ATEAM), Malenko & Bo Bayles! In this episode, we dive into…
SaturnDave is joined by fellow SHIRO! Nick (PandaMonium) to discuss his latest documentary on Sega Rally Championship along with James & Dan of the SegaGuys. YouTube: Podbean:
SaturnDave & TraynoCo are joined by Mel (Sega Lord X) and Dan & James of the SEGAGuys to discuss what it was like growing up with arcades in the 80’s & 90’s, and what remains of the arcades today. We talk SEGA’s arcade legacy and their mo…
SaturnDave is joined by Mel (Sega Lord X) and Dan & James of the SEGAGuys to discuss the many ways that Saturn was and is a great success!
I sat down with Mel and James to talk SEGA, Saturn, ‘Gate Keeping’, Arcade Games and younger generations, and everything in between…
YouTube Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfhCdaO9QTk
Website: https://segasaturnshiro.comShirts: https:…
Growing up in the 90’s was a blast! We witnessed the return of video games from a dire market crash and saw them flourish and go on to break the 3D barrier and beyond. It was a very exciting time in video game history, and I have many stories and mem…
SaturnDave is joined by James the “SegaHolic” & Dan the “MegaDriver” of The SEGAGuys to look back on being a Saturn in the United Kingdom and reflect on both Saturn’s…
Dave & Pat get together to gush about Dreamcast and look back on fond memories of the console and its amazing game library.
Dave & Peter take it in turns to guess the title of Saturn games based on obscure plot & synopsis cues…How well do YOU know YOUR Sega Saturn games? Take…
Dave & Peter talk Saturn mini and the possible compromises that would have to be made in order to bring such a thing to market… Video: Audio: LIVE SHOW: MARCH…
Dave and Peter take a trip back to the “Wild West” of video game history, where everyone was rushing to stake their own claim in the games industry. Video: Audio:
Halloween is just around the corner, and what’s scarier than the thought of all those cancelled SEGA Saturn games?!? It makes us shudder just thinking of all those awesome games…
Join Dave & Peter as they quiz each other on random and obscure SEGA Saturn knowledge & trivia to see who knows the most about our beloved underdog console. Video:…
Join SaturnDave and his good friend Sega Lord X, for this look back at what it was like to be a Saturn fan in ’98. Video: Audio:
Can you think of at least one game that folks typically hate, yet for some reason you have a soft spot for it..? Well, that’s Dave and Peter’s affliction… They…
In this episode Dave and Peter talk about their favorite Sega Saturn game of all time and one that has had a significant and lasting impact on their lives. Video:…
In this episode, Dave and Peter discuss their memories and impressions of the Saturn hardware, from the console itself to its many peripherals. Video: Audio:
Editor’s Corner is a completely NEW and unscripted series of mini-casts with hosts Dave & Peter. Join these elder SHIRO!s as they look back and reminisce on their favorite Sega…