
Best Of Saturn

Deep Fear #BestOfSaturnSilver

Something mysterious has fallen from space and crashed into the Pacific, near the underwater military research facility the Big Table. As a member of the Emergency Rescue Service, you take…

Best Of Saturn

Nekketsu Oyako #BestOfSaturn

A 1995 side-scrolling beat-em-up courtesy of Technosoft, Nekketsu Oyako (roughly, Hot Blooded Family) is a colorful one- to two-player affair. Family matriarch and scientist Saeko has been captured — take…

Best Of Saturn

Dezaemon 2 #BestOfSaturn

A late 1997 release, Athena’s Dezaemon 2 is a shmup-builder. Although it features some pre-built levels, the game’s focus is to allow players to put together the shmup of their…

Best Of Saturn

Vampire Savior #BestOfSaturn

Capcom’s Saturn development was among the very best, and one of their finest examples is Vampire Savior — an excellent port of their third Darkstalkers game. Released in Japan in…

Best Of Saturn

Dragon Force #BestOfSaturnGold

Developed by J-Force and by SEGA Japan and releasing worldwide in 1996, Dragon Force immediately became a juggernaut Saturn game, earning great contemporary reviews and awards and truly showcasing the…

Best Of Saturn

CrimeWave #BestOfSaturn

Eidos’ first foray into Saturn development, 1996’s CrimeWave is a vehicular combat game viewed from an overhead perspective. The streets of Mekeo City are overrun with crime and it’s your…

Best Of Saturn

Voice Fantasia #BestOfSaturn

1997’s Voice Fantasia is perhaps best described as a minigame-driven RPG-like hodgepodge title reliant on copious voice acting as its main draw. In the game, three crazy girls must use…

Best Of Saturn

Choro Q Park #BestOfSaturn

Takara’s early 1998 release of Choro Q Park finally saw the Penny Racers brand hit the Saturn after multiple entries on the PlayStation and even a Nintendo 64 game. This…

Best Of Saturn

Willy Wombat #BestOfSaturn

A total curiosity, Hudson’s Willy Wombat materialized in mid-1997. A 3D-ish action adventure game, you control the wombat across various landscapes, collecting gems as you go. The best way to…

Best Of Saturn

Taito Chase HQ Plus SCI #BestOfSaturn

Taito released the two-game compilation Chase HQ (1988) and Special Criminal Investigation (SCI, 1989) for Japanese Saturns in 1996. Fairly frills-free, these straightforward coin-op conversions have you chase criminal cars…

Best Of Saturn

Croc #BestOfSaturn

Guide the loveable Croc across seven islands (worlds), rescuing cute and fuzzy Gobbos from the evil clutches of Baron Dante. As one of the few true 3D platformers on Saturn,…

Best Of Saturn

Culdcept #BestOfSaturn

Another long-running series that got its start on SEGA Saturn, OmiyaSoft’s Culdcept landed on Japanese consoles in late 1997. This is a strategy game done in the style of a…