SEGA Saturn Translation Projects

Over the past decade, fans from the Saturn community have taken it upon themselves to do what SEGA of America would not, in bringing countless Japanese-only Saturn games to English speaking audiences, through full language translations and even complete voice audio dubs! But they haven’t stopped at English, going so far as to translate several games into other languages as well! We’ve also seen tools and utilities translated for use in English, and new projects are being announced all the time! There are several exciting projects underway, and you can follow their progress here as the awesome privateye will be updating this page as new projects are released!


Full Game Releases

Arcana StrikesPatch
Asuka 120% Limit Over 1Original Patch | SSP
Baroque 2Patch
Blast WindPatch
Bulk SlashPatch [SSP]
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night 3, 4Patch
Cotton 2: Magical Night Dreams 5Patch [SSP]
DeathMaskPatch [SSP]
Dragon Force IIOriginal Patch | SSP
Dungeon Master NexusPatch [SSP]
Fire Pro Gaiden: Blazing Tornado 6Patch [SSP]
Fire Pro Wrestling S: 6Men Scramble 7Patch [SSP]
GrandiaPatch [SSP]
J.B. Harold: Blue Chicago BluesPatch [SSP]
Jung RhythmPatch [SSP]
Linkle Liver StoryOriginal Patch | SSP
Logic Puzzle Rainbow TownPatch [SSP]
Mobile Suit GundamPatch [SSP]
Ninpen ManmaruPatch [SSP]
Ogre Battle: The March of the Black QueenPatch
PhantasmagoriaPatch [SSP]
PolicenautsOriginal Patch | SSP
Prisoner of Ice 8Patch
RabbitPatch [SSP]
Revolutionary Girl Utena 9Original Patch | SSP
Sakura WarsOriginal Patch | SSP
Saturn Bomberman Fight!!Patch [SSP]
Sega Ages: Castle of Illusion & QuackShotPatch [SSP]
Shining Force III: Scenario 1Patch
Shining Force III: Scenario 2Patch
Shining Force III: Scenario 3Patch
Shining Force III: Premium DiscPatch
Silhouette MiragePS1 Translation | New Translation [Both SSP]
Stellar Assault SSPatch [SSP]
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together 3Patch
Tokyo Highway Battle ’97Patch [SSP]
Valhollian 3Patch
Vandal Hearts 3Original Patch | SSP
Yumimi Mix RemixPatch

In-Progress Releases

Devil Summoner: Soul HackersPatch [SSP]
Gungriffon IIPatch [SSP]
Lunar: Silver Star Story [English Dub] 10, 11Patch [SSP]
Lunar: Silver Star Story [Japanese Dub] 12Patch [SSP]
Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete [English Dub] 10, 13Patch
Lunar 2: Eternal BluePatch [SSP]
Princess CrownPatch
R?MJ: The Mystery HospitalPatch [SSP]
Shadows of the TuskPatch [SSP]
Street Fighter Zero 3Patch [SSP]
Terra Phantastica 14Patch [SSP]
Tokimeki Memorial: Forever With YouPatch
Wachenröder​Patch [SSP]
Ys: Ancient Ys Vanished Omen 15Patch

English Activation Patches

Die Hard Arcade 16Patch
Elan Doree: Legend of Dragoon 17Original Patch | SSP
Kingdom Grand Prix 18Patch [SSP]
Liquid KidsPatch
Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire 19Original Patch | SSP

Demo Discs

Sakura WarsPart of Bootleg Sampler 3
Sakura Wars 2Patch [SSP]
Silhouette MiragePatch [SSP]
Stellar Assault SSPatch [SSP]


EGWord Ver 2.00Original Patch | SSP
SegaSaturn FDD OperatorOriginal Patch | SSP


Advanced World War: Last of the MillenniumChinese
Alone in the Dark: One-Eyed Jack’s RevengeRussian
AstalFrench [SSP]
Brain Dead 13French | Spanish [Both SSP]
Castlevania: Symphony of the NightChinese | Korean
Dead or AliveRussian
DeathMaskFrench [SSP]
Deep FearChinese (Disc 1 | Disc 2) | French | Korean (Disc 1 | Disc 2) | Russian | Spanish
Doukoku Soshite…Chinese
Dragon Ball Z: The LegendFrench | Spanish [Both SSP]
Dungeon Master NexusFrench [SSP]
Enemy ZeroFrench [SSP]
Frankenstein: Through the Eyes of the MonsterFrench | Spanish [Both SSP]
GrandiaKorean (Disc 1 | Disc 2)
Grid RunnerFrench [SSP]
Guardian HeroesChinese (Simplified | Traditional)
Heart of Darkness [Prototype]French & Spanish
Herc’s AdventuresFrench [SSP]
Langrisser I & II: Dramatic EditionChinese
Langrisser IIIChinese
Langrisser V: The End of LegendKorean
Layer SectionFrench
Linkle Liver StoryRussian
LuLu: An Interactive TaleFrench [SSP]
LunacyFrench [SSP]
Magic Knight RayearthFrench [SSP]
MystFrench | Spanish [Both SSP]
Nanatsu Kaze no Shima MonogatariChinese
Ooedo RenaissanceChinese
Panzer DragoonFrench [SSP]
Panzer Dragoon ZweiKorean
Panzer Dragoon SagaSpanish
PhantasmagoriaFrench / German / Italian
Princess CrownChinese | Korean
Prisoner of Ice 8French | Russian | Spanish
Resident EvilFrench [SSP] | Spanish
Riven: The Sequel to MystFrench [SSP]
Road & Track Presents: The Need for SpeedFrench [SSP]
Sakura WarsPortuguese
Shanghai: Triple-ThreatFrench [SSP]
Shining Force III: Scenario 1Chinese | Korean | Spanish
Shining Force III: Scenario 2Chinese | Korean | Spanish
Shining Force III: Scenario 3Chinese | Korean | Spanish
Shining Force III: Premium DiscKorean
Shining the Holy ArkChinese
Shin Shinobi DenFrench | Spanish [Both SSP]
Shinobi XFrench [SSP]
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together 3Russian
Taikou Risshiden IIChinese
The Story of Thor 2Chinese | French [SSP] | Korean | Russian | Spanish
Tomb RaiderItalian & Swedish | Spanish
Uncharted Waters IIChinese
Uncharted Waters GaidenChinese
Valhollian 3Russian
WormsFrench [SSP]
WWF WrestleMania: The Arcade GameFrench [SSP]


Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of DoomEnglish
Grandia Digital MuseumEnglish
Magical School LunarEnglish
Nanatsu Kaze no Shima MonogatariSpanish
R?MJ: The Mystery HospitalFrench
Riglord Saga 2English
Sakura Wars 2English
Teitoku no Ketsudan IIIEnglish
Terra PhantasticaEnglish


Sega Saturn Patcher

Patches in SSP format are for use with Sega Saturn Patcher. The latest beta version is included with the Kingdom Grand Prix English translation patch.

Unlike traditional patching methods which generally rely on specific tools and/or disc images, SSPs can be applied to any valid image and can even be used with original game discs. It requires .NET Desktop Runtime 5.0.17 which can be obtained here.

Instructions on how to use Sega Saturn Patcher can be found at the bottom of this article. Even though the instructions are based around the Bulk Slash English translation patch, the same process applies to all SSPs.


1. Converts Asuka 120% Burning Fest. Limited into an English translated version of Asuka 120% Limit Over.

2. Apply the patch by using this version of Sega Saturn Patcher in conjunction with the guide at the end of this article.

3. Adds support for 4MB expansion RAM to reduce loading times.

4. Features the newly-recorded English voice acting and revised script from the version included with Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles. To play with Japanese voice acting and the original script from the PS1 version, use this patch.

5. Can be combined with paul_met‘s fullscreen hack by following this tutorial.

6. Everything translated except for the endings.

7. Everything translated except for ~50% of dialogue in story mode (Victory Road).

8. For the Spanish version, apply the patch by following the instructions in the included readme. For all other versions, apply the patch by following the instructions in this archive.

9. In various states of completion:

  • Fully translated – Game script
  • Partially translated – User interface and Student Handbook
  • Untranslated – Character name tags and FMVs

10. Features the newly-recorded English voice acting from Lunar: Silver Star Harmony.

11. Video cutscenes have increased resolution and quality compared to the original non-VCD release.

12. Video cutscenes and voiced dialogue are not subtitled.

13. Requires a Video CD Card but note that it’s incompatible with the European VCD card.

14. Beta version is exclusive to patrons of SHIRO! at the “Official Patron” level and above. Final version will be available for free.

15. Apply the patch to Falcom Classics Disc 1.

16. Activates English for quick time events when playing the North American version on a Japanese console. Patch that additionally forces the game to always run in 240p resolution is available here.

17. Activates the English version and adds widescreen support. SSP version allows one feature to be enabled but not the other.

18. Activates the English version and unlocks the Game Mode setting. Game can be played with the official localization or a revised script.

19. Activates the English version and keeps red blood; the latter is a notable improvement as enabling English in the EX Options sets the blood to white.