Best Of Saturn

Taito Chase HQ Plus SCI #BestOfSaturn

Taito released the two-game compilation Chase HQ (1988) and Special Criminal Investigation (SCI, 1989) for Japanese Saturns in 1996. Fairly frills-free, these straightforward coin-op conversions have you chase criminal cars…

Bo Bayles' Hacks & Cheats

Extending The Demo: Dark Savior

The ominous parallels I started looking at Dark Savior in response to a reader question: Is there a sixth parallel? In case you don’t know, Dark Savior is a Saturn RPG with an unusual…

Best Of Saturn

Croc #BestOfSaturn

Guide the loveable Croc across seven islands (worlds), rescuing cute and fuzzy Gobbos from the evil clutches of Baron Dante. As one of the few true 3D platformers on Saturn,…


New Sega Consoles?

Two new Sega related consoles were recently announced, though by teams currently unconnected with Sega. The first is the GF1 Neptune, a system designed and modeled on the original official…