World Heroes Perfect #BestOfSaturn
SHIRO! SHOW Recap World Heroes Perfect is the fourth and final game in the World Heroes series. Ported over from the NEO GEO, it offers 16 playable fighters to take…
SHIRO! SHOW Recap World Heroes Perfect is the fourth and final game in the World Heroes series. Ported over from the NEO GEO, it offers 16 playable fighters to take…
Welcome to the SHIRO! SHOW! Week #19 news update! This week, we’ll be discussing: – Fire ProWrestling S: 6Men Scramble #BestOfSaturn- SHIRO! Podcast Retrospective: Season 1: Episode 1- Progress on the FPGA implementation of Saturn- Developer Interview: D…
While the Saturn Homebrew scene is still in it’s relative ‘infancy’ compared to other existing homebrew development communities (take the Mega Drive or Dreamcast for example), it’s had a bit…
SHIRO! SHOW Recap As we’ve reported in the past, Sergey Dvodnenko continues his work on the Saturn FPGA implementation for the MiSTer platform. Since the last update, it seems like…
Welcome to this new series of articles we are putting together to celebrate, and look back on our previous podcast episodes! SHIRO! SHOW Recap Many of our newer fans have…
SHIRO! SHOW Recap Long-running series Fire ProWrestling makes a Saturn appearance with 6-Men Scramble. Featuring dozens of wrestlers from various promotions, this sprite-based wrestle-fest is perhaps best known for its…
Welcome to the SHIRO! SHOW! Week #18 news update! This week, we’ll be discussing: – Super Robot Wars 30 Announced With A Worldwide Release!- Sonic Wings Special #BestOfSaturn- SHIRO! Patreon Launch- And a few Misc. topicsOriginally premiered: July 16th, …
SHIRO! SHOW Recap We’ve been asked countless times about how people can support us, and we’ve always said the usual, Like/Comment/Subscribe to our videos, and of course buy some merch…
SHIRO! SHOW Recap Video System’s Sonic Wings Special sees you lead a small but elite force of Project Blue fighters in an attempt to defeat the evil forces of Fata…
SHIRO! SHOW Recap Just recently, Bandai Namco announced Super Robot Wars 30, the next release in the long running Super Robot Wars series. This will also be the first in…
Welcome to the SHIRO! SHOW! Week #17 news update! This week, we’ll be discussing: – SHIRO! Shorts: NiGHTS 1996 E3 Beta- Die Hard Arcade #BestOfSaturnOriginally premiered: July 12th, 2021 Follow us on our social media sites:
Facebook: https://www.facebook…
SHIRO! SHOW Recap Die Hard Arcade, based on the ST-V Titan arcade board, is a 3D action beat-em-up. Play as John McClane and Kris Thompsen as you ascend a skyscraper…
Welcome to the SHIRO! SHOW! Week #15 news update! This week, we’ll be discussing: – Cotton Rock ‘n’ Roll Announced for Switch/PC/PS4!- Sakura Wars – One of SEGA’s Hidden Gems- Guardian Heroes #BestOfSaturn- Sega Saturn 3D Showcase, Part IVOriginally prem…
SHIRO! SHOW Recap Today marks the 25th anniversary of the launch of NiGHTS into Dreams in Japan. Created by the Sonic Team and showcasing the talents of Yuji Naka, Naoto…
Welcome to the fourth and final installment on our series on SEGA Saturn videogames with notable or impressive 3D graphics involving either polygons or bitmap sprites. This list includes software…
SHIRO! SHOW Recap A side-scrolling beat-em-up cult classic, Treasure’s Guardian Heroes lit the Saturn up in 1996. Featuring RPG-like stat gains at the end of each level, branching paths, multiple…
Welcome to the SHIRO! SHOW! Week #15 news update! This week, we’ll be discussing: – Unreleased Dreamcast Game Dee Dee Planet, Released after over 20 years! – Revolutionary Girl Utena Spotlight – For the Revolution of the World! – GEX -vs- RAYMAN – Xeno C…
Welcome to the SHIRO! SHOW! Week #15 news update!
This week, we’ll be discussing:
– Unreleased Dreamcast Game Dee Dee Planet, Released after over 20 years!
– Revolutionary Girl Utena Spotlight – For the Revolution of the World!
– Xeno …
SHIRO! SHOW Recap In the early 2000s, anime fans encountered an anime called Sakura Wars, a twenty-six episode anime or four episode ova that mixed pilotable robots (mechs), demons, a…
SHIRO! SHOW Recap As if we didn’t have enough Cotton with Cotton Reboot and Cotton Guardian Force Saturn Tribute dropping, we have a third Cotton title dropping in 2021!Success has…
SHIRO! SHOW Recap A recent tweet by Ced showed his newly revised Fenrir 21-pin ODE loading and booting game images via the onboard Wi-Fi module integrated as part of the…
SHIRO! SHOW Recap UPDATE: Version 2.1 has now been released, which changes the currency used in game from Zeni to Sen: the great reception from their 2019 Sakura Wars patch,…
SHIRO! SHOW Recap A Sega Xtreme user who wishes to remain anonymous has put together a short 1 level port of Xeno Crisis on the Sega Saturn. Demo screen when…
SHIRO! SHOW Recap Saturn got two amazing third-party multi-console platformers in the US, but who did it better?Crystal Dynamics with GEX? or Ubisoft with RAYMAN? Who wins? YOU DECIDE!!! Vote…
Welcome to the SHIRO! SHOW! Week #14 news update!
This week, we’ll be discussing:
– A Terrifying Look at Corpse Killer: Graveyard Edition!
– We launched SHIRO! MERCH!
– “Portu-cast (Sega Saturn in Portugal)” released
– Rayman #BestOfSaturn
– SSF Goes Op…
SHIRO! SHOW Recap The Japanese Saturn library dwarfs both Western sets by a factor of 5; for every game in the North American or European library, there were roughly five…
SHIRO! SHOW Recap The guys over at the Dreamcast Junkyard made us aware of a newly found unreleased Dreamcast game called Dee Dee Planet, a planned online game that was…
Welcome back to another epsiode of SEGA Saturn, SHIRO!
This time, we’ll be talking with several members of the Portuguese Saturn scene, Join the gang as we talk with Nuno from The Saturn Junkyard, Roberto from the Saturn Junkyard and Sega Saturn Colle…
SHIRO! SHOW Recap Criminally ignored at launch because it wasn’t 3D, Michel Ancel’s Rayman is an exquisite platformer that looks the business. Coupled with an awesome Rémi Gazel soundtrack and…
Welcome back to another epsiode of SEGA Saturn, SHIRO! YouTube Version: We talk SEGA, specifically Saturn and Dreamcast, then talk some other miscellaneous topics such as Anime. This time, we’ll…
Our SHIRO! MERCH is back on Threadless and better than ever!If you would like to help support what we do or you just want to sport some cool SHIRO! threads,…
SHIRO! SHOW Recap From Digital Pictures’ humbled beginnings with such classics as Night Trap and Slam City with Scottie Pippen, PandaMonium takes a look at the all time classic, Corpse…
Welcome to the SHIRO! SHOW! Week #13 news update!
This week, we’ll be discussing:
– DeathMask De-Translation Update!
– Sega Saturn 3D Showcase, Part Three
– Highway 2000 #BestOfSaturn
– Alundra Port Experimentation On Saturn
– Galactic Attack -vs- Dariu…
SHIRO! SHOW Recap Acclaim brought us two of Taito’s classic scrolling shooters to US shores…One vertical. One horizontal. But what if you could only choose one..? VOTE on Twitter (below)…
SHIRO! SHOW Recap Just recently, an old forum post from 2014 was bumped up on the SEGA XTREME forums, discussing work on an Alundra Saturn engine for a potential Alundra…