Best Of Saturn

Blue Seed #BestOfSaturn

A 1995 SEGA/Sims co-production, Blue Seed is a mission-based RPG-style game based on the mid-90s manga. Momiji is a young female officer in a secret government division tasked with investigating…

Best Of Saturn

NASCAR ’98 #BestOfSaturn

More of a sim racer compared to the arcade-y Daytona games, NASCAR ’98 appeared as part of EA’s last batch of Saturn titles. Thanks to the official NASCAR license, it…

Best Of Saturn

Shining the Holy Ark  #BestOfSaturn

After hastily transplanting Shining Wisdom from the Genesis / MegaDrive to the Saturn, Shining the Holy Ark was Sonic Software Planning’s first all-Saturn effort. A masterful dungeon-crawler featuring colorful graphics,…


The X68000 Z, A Mini For the X68000 Announced At Tokyo Game Show!

On Twitter, a post by 4Gamer started circulating around, announcing the, “X68000 Z”, a revival of the X68000 system: 【PR】新生X68000誕生。瑞起の「X68000 Z」は10月8日に予約受付を開始。TGS 2022の4Gamerブースではモック展示&投稿企画を実施— 4Gamer (@4GamerNews) September 14, 2022 Basically, the…

Best Of Saturn

Policenauts #BestOfSaturn

Before Metal Gear Solid, Hideo Kojima made Policenauts. Policenauts is a serious science fiction graphic adventure / visual novel – with the occasional shooting scene – that supports both the…