Best Of Saturn

G Vector #BestOfSaturn

G Vector is a 3D, third-person shmup that reminds of games like Space Harrier and Panzer Dragoon. You are equipped with both a standard shot and a lock-on laser, and…

Best Of Saturn

Blast Wind #BestOfSaturn

This is the third week in a row showcasing a Saturn shmup, and this time it’s TechnoSoft’s Blast Wind. Released in Japan in January 1997, its limited print run means…

Best Of Saturn

Hyper Duel #BestOfSaturn

Partly inspired by the ThunderForce series, Hyper Duel is a 1993 TechnoSoft arcade horizontal shmup that got a Japanese Saturn release in late 1996. Man one of the highly experimental…



We’ve added new merch designs to our TeeSpring shop, and there are several fabric and color options for folks to choose from. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING on the shop is priced with…

Best Of Saturn

DoDonPachi #BestOfSaturn

Oh, Cave. Your bullet hell shmups are such a delight, and DoDonPachi is no exception. Hitting the Japanese Saturn in late 1997, players choose from three ships each with a…

Best Of Saturn

Hissatsu! #BestOfSaturn

Based on a very long-running Japanese period drama, Hissatsu! is a side-scrolling action game very much in the vein of the Shinobi series. You and your associates travel from town…