SEASON 4: EP 8 – “Command & Conquer”

Welcome to another great episode of Sega Saturn, Shiro!

This week, we are talking about the legendary RTS title, Command & Conquer!

Join Patrick, Dave, Peter, Nick, and Ben on their quest for world domination, talking the ins and out of this game!

We …

SEASON 3: EP 7 – “E3 Saturn, Shiro!”

Welcome to another incredible episode of Sega Saturn, Shiro!

This time, we’ll be talking about the latest news from E3, latest events in the community, the recent discovery of Star Wars: Rebel Strike, and go off on a wild tangent about Star Wars not onc…

SEASON 3: EP 2 – “Halloween Returns”

Happy Halloween everyone!

This episode, join Patrick, Ke, Peter, Chaz, and our special guest, the Southern Sega Gentleman as we discuss Saturn news, freightening Saturn games, and our obscure game of the cast, Cotton 2!

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SEASON 3: EP 1 – “Happy Mega-Versary!”

Welcome to our first year anniversary show! We go over a retrospective of Mega Man/Rockman games on the Saturn and our various experieinces with them. Pat, Claire, Peter, K, Gamemaster Chaz, and Hickman (aka Dave 2) all join in the discussion.

We’d like…

SEASON 2: EP 3 – “Artistry or Forgery”

Patrick, Dave, Claire & Ke discuss the history, ethics and craft behind game reproductions. We cover some hard-hitting facts and weigh in with our personal thoughts and opinions on this extremely controversial topic. This one’s not to be missed!

SEASON 1: EP 2 – “Neo Geo on SEGA Saturn”

We discuss some of the great Neo Geo ports on the Saturn, and we have a technical discussion regarding RGB and the aging of compact disc media.
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Twitter: https://mob…