New Beta Updates Come to SSF Emulator
One of the earliest Saturn emulators is still going strong after it got an update last weekend — its third since the beginning of the year. The emulator, SSF, didn’t…
Community projects and developments.
One of the earliest Saturn emulators is still going strong after it got an update last weekend — its third since the beginning of the year. The emulator, SSF, didn’t…
On April 26, 2024, community member Frogbull posed yet another “what if” question for Saturn by teasing a demo build of Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot running on Saturn hardware. Frogbull’s…
Just yesterday, April 28th, JoEngine author, Johannes Fetz, announced a significant update to the Sega Saturn Software Development Kit that now includes support for Voxels. New version of #JoEngine for…
SHIRO! announced its next Community Challenge in May will feature two titles in the Digital Pinball series: Last Gladiators Ver. 9.7 and Necronomicon. Co-organizer Gregori Rasputin said May’s Community Challenge…
I was never really great when it came to video games. As the youngest of nine, my brothers and sisters always seemed to have a leg up on me…
English-speaking Saturn fans are dancing for joy now that there’s a translation patch for the console’s only full-fledged music rhythm game, Jung Rhythm. It was made by a team that…
High Velocity: Mountain Racing Challenge, an early Saturn exclusive that shipped with a two-player mode, could have let even more people in on the fun if developer Cave enabled a…
Not long after crowning the Steep Slope Sliders champions April 1 as part of its ongoing Community Challenge series, SHIRO! announced changes to future iterations of the popular event. The…
Looking for some light reading material about your favorite 32-bit console? A new fan-made coffee table book has you covered. “The Unofficial Sega Saturn Collection” is a 290-page paperback that…
The Saturn core for the MiSTer FPGA hit a milestone late last month when it committed the last several months of “unstable nightly” updates to the MiSTer’s main branch. The…
Homebrewer hotrodx released an update to their Sega Saturn recreation of 1992 Konami arcade beat-em-up X-Men last week. Hotrodx distributed version 0.2 via a link in a YouTube video…
Saturn hacker Bo Bayles is at it again — he’s found another previously unknown cheat code, this time for Shinobi Legions. It activates a debug mode, but you’ll want to…
On this latest episode of the SEGAGuys‘ pod, Dan, James, Dave and Nick discuss the Western SEGA Saturn library. Is it underrated? Why is it perceived so negatively, even today?…
SHIRO!’s own SaturnDave and TraynoCo spend most of their time playing and hyping Saturn, but that doesn’t mean they don’t love Sega’s tiny arcade-in-a-box, the Dreamcast, too! They joined Brian…
The results of the SegaXtreme 29th Anniversary Sega Saturn Game Competition were announced today, with homebrew survival horror game Cold Case, the English localization of Stellar Assault SS and a…
In the last month, MiSTer Saturn core developer Sergiy Dvodnenko — aka SRG320 — has drilled down on everything from audio improvements to video RAM accuracy and made big gains…
Jump for joy, Saturn fans — there’s a new English translation patch for one of the console’s exclusive fighting games, Rabbit. The patch released earlier today was made by Derek…
Many Sega Saturn fans race like it’s 1995 on a regular basis thanks to Sega’s sensational classic Sega Rally Championship. But what if there was another way? Race like its…
Frogbull, the indie developer who has teased us with demos of Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy 7 on Saturn as well as Metal Gear Solid 2 on Dreamcast, is…
Back in March of last year, TrekkiesUnite118 created a thread on translating Shin Megami Tensei: Soul Hackers on the SEGA Saturn using the official 3DS translation as a base. One…
SHIRO! waved the checkered flag on its inaugural Monthly Community Challenge for February with nearly 300 SEGA Touring Car Championship times submitted. Four different community members took the top spots…
An English translation of Silhouette Mirage that’s faithful to the original Japanese script exists at last thanks to fans who released a patch for the Saturn version Wednesday. Rasputin3000 uploaded…
Outrun is one of Sega’s most iconic franchises and one that is as identifiably Sega arguably as much as Sonic or Yakuza. The original arcade game from 1986 also got…
The March Edition of our monthly SHIRO! Community Challenge is here, and it’s time to wax your boards and carve those slopes in CAVE’s snow-shredding classic, Steep Slope Sliders! This…
For the 5th year in a row, SegaXtreme & Emerald Nova, bring us an outstanding lineup of Sega Saturn homebrew, patches and tools from this amazing community, marking the 29th…
An English fan translation for the sequel to a notorious Saturn lightgun shooter, Death Crimson, is out now, its project lead announced Tuesday. Derek “ateam” Pascarella said on social media…
There were dozens of entries this year in SegaXtreme’s SEGA Saturn 29th Anniversary Game Competition and each of them are worth checking out. Here’s a closer look at a handful…
Are you reading this story on your Sega Saturn? You could be, now that a member of the SHIRO! community has built a mirror that converts this website into a…
Sometimes even a simple game of Pong can be a lot of fun. That’s the driving principle behind one of the Saturn’s newest games, Pixel Poppy Pong, a two-player homebrew…
SHIRO! Media Group debuted its new Monthly Community Challenge on Thursday, kicking off the series with “Sega Touring Car Championship.” The contest runs from Thursday through the end of February…
The Saturn community has become accustomed to fans creating translations for Japan-exclusive games and inserting them via patches. But it’s not every day that an official translation is found hiding…
A new world record in speedrunning Virtual Hydlide was set this week at the Awesome Games Done Quick charity event. Mechalink finished the 1995 Saturn RPG in 27 minutes and…
Just yesterday, January 18th, 2024, Amiga developer Z-Team submitted their entry to this year’s Saturn Game Competition hosted by SegaXtreme and organized by Dr. Emerald Nova. Z-Team has created a…
SHIRO!’s Virtual On NetLink League tournament concluded Wednesday night, the culmination of years of work and dedication. Nathan, who goes by the gamertag Rasputin3000, took the top prize with fighter…
Quite a few Saturn games are newly playable on the MiSTer FPGA after its Saturn core got an update yesterday. The new builds for single- and dual-RAM setups are not…