“Winter Heat has come and gone, and our carpals can breath a collective sigh of relief! Thank you all for making the first SHIRO! Community Challenge of 2025 a success!”
–Gregori Rasputin
The community_challenge chat (over on SHIRO!’s Discord) was lively all January with consistent score and time updates from participants worldwide in January’s Winter Heat community challenge, seeing who could be the slickest Olympian on the mountain. Over the winter month we had 241 submissions from 19 participants.
Privateye, the Blitz Beast, went on an all-out rampage, taking 9 of the 12 categories, including the 11-Event Heat with a huge score of 15444! TorturedGreg beat out Moose in Aerial by 54 points and was able to edge out Fart Daily in Ski Jumping by just 4.76 points, but lost by .022 seconds in Speed Skiing to yours truly, Double Dime.
Congrats to the event winners!!

Thanks to the organizers who put this all together, and all the enthusiastic participants who made this such an exciting event. All winners are entitled to a SaturnDave-designed patch embroidered by Moose, and a special T-shirt prize made by Xiden goes to our champion privateye!
“Congrats to Double Dime and Greg for keeping Privateye from sweeping. And congrats to Privateye for nearly sweeping.”
“Great job guys, another fun challenge! I only played Winter Heat a handful of times when I was younger so it was great to give this gem the attention it deserves.”
“Well played everyone, we had an absolute blast, and looking forward to the next game!”
“Not sure why I wasn’t excited about trying this one out ‘back in the day’. But it’s a great game that is so Sega…and maybe it’s helped us up our Decathlete skills.”

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