Groove On Fight #BestOfSaturn

Atlus developed Groove On Fight for the ST-V Titan arcade board in 1997, which meant a near-flawless Saturn conversion followed suit. A 2D fighter featuring teams of two that can tag in at will, up to four players can play via the 6-player adapter.

A 1MB cartridge is required for this title, though the 4MB also will work. The title is part of the Power Instinct series of fighters and is known for its over-the-top characters and moves.

Pixel art is the order of the day, and the tag gimmick ensures an extra layer of strategy. Interesting characters, moves, music, and artwork make this a unique Saturn beat-em-up.

About the author

Peter Malek

A Saturn fan since the beginning, Peter plays Saturn almost exclusively. For Peter, Saturn represents a moment in time where 2D games were at their best, 3D was just rising, and fascinating gaming 'firsts' were commonplace.  There are very few Saturn games that Peter cannot find some enjoyment in!

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