The flashy 3D graphics of Battle Arena Toshinden attracted PlayStation gamers like flies to a pile of turd… so much so, that Takara felt it wi$e to develop a Saturn “Remix” of the game.

Coded by Nextech and published by SEGA in 1996 just as Toshinden 2 was hitting Sony’s console, the game was a poor port of what was retrospectively a turdy game. Still, Toshinden fans got extra content in the Saturn game — an all-new story mode, new moves, and a mysterious new character named Cupido.

Like most other early PlayStation ports, the Saturn conversion received the Turd-o Grafx treatment — muddier textures, muted colors, and meshes to replace transparencies. It’s funny how a weak PlayStation game received so many accolades, but once it hit Saturn… yikes. Only hardcore Toshinden fans need apply.

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