Blast Wind #BestOfSaturn

This is the third week in a row showcasing a Saturn shmup, and this time it’s TechnoSoft’s Blast Wind. Released in Japan in January 1997, its limited print run means it’s quite pricey today — but then, what Saturn shmup isn’t?

Vertically scrolling, the game features branching paths in most of its six stages. It isn’t overly long nor insanely difficult, so the emphasis here is on scoring. TechnoSoft fans, step right up…

About the author

Peter Malek

A Saturn fan since the beginning, Peter plays Saturn almost exclusively. For Peter, Saturn represents a moment in time where 2D games were at their best, 3D was just rising, and fascinating gaming 'firsts' were commonplace.  There are very few Saturn games that Peter cannot find some enjoyment in!

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