Saturn Memories Brings Comprehensive Directory of Saturn Resources to SHIRO!

For several years, Saturn Memories has run one of (if not the best) Saturn gameplay reference channels on YouTube, and for nearly as long, he’s been collecting and archiving links to important Saturn resources along the way. Resources that help to preserve Saturn’s development & commercial history and that could prove invaluable to the Saturn community down the road…

Up until now, these resources have lived on RetroGameBoards in the form of a thread titled “Playin’ Saturn each day keeps Segata away!” Recently, however, he approached SHIRO! and offered to mirror his directory on the SHIRO! site (in our community section). We were, of course, honored by the offer and excited that he would be coming aboard to manage the directory and continue to add to and refine it!

Here is that directory in all of it’s glory, and we think it’s just amazing! So much great stuff, and this is really only the beginning… Be sure to check back and visit the directory from time to time to see what’s new! He’s added a last edited date at the top so you’ll always know when there’s something new. Nice!

About the author


A massive Saturn fan since Christmas '96, Dave is enthusiastic about growing the community and spreading Saturn love and knowledge to fans old and new. Co-founding the SEGA SATURN, SHIRO! podcast back in 2017 and creating the SHIRO! SHOW in 2020, he seeks to create interesting and engaging Saturn-related content for the community. Dave's interests circle around game preservation, and he is a huge fan of game magazines and developer interviews.

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