Almost an entire year ago, on August 10th, 2022, our good buddy Derek Pascarella (ateam) announced that he would be tackling the translation of Dreamcast’s quirky rhythm dance off, Cool Cool Toon. After nearly 12 months, the wait is over! The English translation of Cool Cool Toon is NOW AVAILABLE to download and experience!
Official Release Trailer
Pascarella has also confirmed the inclusion of link cable support for the Neo Geo Pocket Color…
And widescreen support care of Esppiral…
And finally proper SCART/composite sync support via the latest v1.1 update!

Programming: Derek Pascarella (ateam)
Translation: Cargodin and popomocco
Editing: Derek Pascarella (ateam), Cargodin, popomocco, James Tocchio (GGDreamcast)
Playtesting: popomocco, James Tocchio (GGDreamcast), Derek Pascarella (ateam)
Graphics: Yuvi
Special Thanks: nanashi
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