Editor’s note: This leaked document is very long. We will do our best to ensure this article is at least close to complete upon publication, but please be advised that it may be updated over time. We are not citing specific pages of the document, since page numbers keep changing.
When a plan does not come together…
Within the 280+ page pdf comes many revelations about SEGA of America’s self awareness, unforgiving sales/inventory data and tortuous financial strain. They solidly confirm a critical failure of two consecutive console launches in the United States. What we thought was a bad 1995 for SoA turned out to be far worse than many of us imagined.
We also get a glimpse into the treasure trove of canceled Saturn games. Many never saw the light of day at all. Some were released in other regions, some saved for the Dreamcast — others were only put on competing platforms. We already know a great deal about some of the original games and failed localizations. You can even download and play builds of canceled games leaked to websites like Hidden Palace. The SegaFY1997 document provides more context and even a clear timeline of when many of these trashed titles were set to hit shelves.
We will attempt to track down every canceled game and canceled North American localization discussed in this document. Many of the titles use code names, but thanks to years of prior research, we can discern which game is being discussed. The Saturn research world already knows about many of the canceled games in the document, though the info within provides more context behind their history. Some are games that hardly anyone seems to have heard of.
Click here to view the leaked document.
Let’s do the numbers
There are at least 78 canceled games covered in this document. Keep in mind, this is not a complete list of all canceled Saturn games. The world of SEGA research still does not have an exact number, as more canceled games are still being discovered.
Of the 78 total games listed, 10 are canceled PC ports. This means they were games that only came out for Windows or Apple computers. There are 20 home console multiplatform games, meaning they came out on something like the PlayStation or 3DO, but not on Saturn. Europe got 6 of these games, 11 only came out in Japan, and whopping 31 never came out at all. Keep in mind, that aforementioned number includes games like Virtua Fighter 3 and Shenmue, which came out during a future console generation but not on Saturn or any of its direct competitors.
Not included are seven titles with code names that likely turned into a fully realized Saturn game. For example, Daytona Remix likely became Daytona C.C.E. A few of them are too vague for us to parse.
This article will attempt to go over the games in categories. There may be updates to this write-up in the future.
It’s April, 1996.
Canceled PC ports (10)
11th Hour — Virgin Interactive

It is a third party PC port set to come out for Saturn in December of 1996 according to SegaFY1997. This FMV puzzle/adventure is the sequel to the relatively popular 7th Guest. According to 3DO Magazine, a 3DO port was also planned but never materialized. As for the Saturn port, multiple gaming magazines across Japan, Europe and North America discussed the possibility of 11th Hour making it to the rings of Saturn. It did not.
Dark Sun — Data East

A turn-based RPG from the world of Dungeons and Dragons. Data East started working on ports for both the Saturn and PlayStation, but neither hit shelves, staying on PC for good. On SegaFY1997, Sega has this set for release in October of 1996.
Manic Carts — Virgin Interactive

Manic Carts (sic) is likely referring to Manic Karts, a DOS game that comes to us from Virgin in 1995. Next Generation magazine gave this a “one out of five” in its review, so perhaps it is okay that we never saw this come out for Saturn. The console clearly has enough problems in the U.S. SegaFY1997 has this down for a November 1996 release.
Offensive — Ocean Software

This is a WWII RTS war game released in 1996. SegaFY1997 has this down for a June 1996 release.
Star Control 3 — Accolade

The third in a trilogy of space bound action/adventure games, and a cult classic series for many video game enjoyers. The designers supposedly made the soundtrack MIDI to make this easier to port to home consoles, though such ports never came to light. SegaFY1997 has this set for release on Saturn in September in 1996. FUN FACT: Robert Leyland programmed the first Star Control game. While this third game was being made, Leyland lead the Saturn game Ghen War.
S.T.O.R.M. — American Softworks

Some kind of underwater adventure game. SegaFY1997 has it set for a March 1996 release.
Terra Nova — Virgin Interactive

Pegged as a tactical FPS, developed by LookingGlass Technologies for DOS in 1996. On SegaFY1997, they label this as a “potential third party title.” So it is not immediately clear how much work went into the hopeful home console port.
The Elder Scrolls: Arena — Bethesda

Was Bethesda a word you expected to read in this article? SegaFY1997 mentions The Elder Scrolls a few times. This is listed as a “key third party title,” and set for an August 1996 release. Discussion online with former employees have led some to believe this was going to instead be a port of the Daggerfall sequel. Though the leaked document clearly says “Arena” multiple times. When examining the two games, Arena would make more sense as a Saturn port anyhow. Never happened though.
Toonstruck — Virgin Interactive

Graphic adventure game from our homies at Virgin. Slated for an October 1996 release according to SegaFY1997.
Zone Raiders — Virgin Interactive

Noticing a pattern here? Virgin brought this futuristic vehicular combat game to DOS and Macintosh in 1995. SegaFY1997 has this down for a September 1996 release, and also notes a PlayStation port set for the same month. Neither came out.
Canceled multiplatform games (19)
Alien vs Predator — FOX

You can see I have uploaded the Jaguar cover, but it would seem possible that this is a different AVP game. The details are scarce. Per our friends at SegaRetro, a PC game with the same was announced at around this time and released all the way out in 1999. The Saturn and PlayStation AVP games did not come out. SegaFY1997 shows the Saturn port set to come out in February of 1997.
Big Bass World Championship — HOT-B

This aint no SEGA Bass Fishing, you’re in Hank Parker’s world now buddy… as long as you are not trying to visit him on your Sega Saturn. Is he the Craig Stadler of fishing? This had two release dates in SegaFY1997: marked for June of 1996, and for April of 1996 on a different page.
Deadly Skies — JVC

Set for release in June of 1996 according to SegaFY1997, Deadly Skies did not come out for the Saturn at all. It had a mess of planned ports and regions, but only made it to the PlayStation as a Japanese exclusive.
Death Trap Dungeon — Domark

Domark was said to still be in the process of merging with Eidos Interactive when this game got announced. Perhaps known for starring a woman who wears a modest amount of armor on her heroic adventures, this is one of those games that “has mixed reviews.” It only released for PlayStation, with SegaFY1997 initially penciling in no set release date — simply calling it a “potential third party title.”
Descent — Interplay

Longbox homies, please stand up. This boomer shooter with a vehicular twist was set for a Saturn release in September of 1996 according SegaFY1997. Instead, the DOS game would only make its home console appearance on PlayStation.
Descent 2 — Interplay

Interplay came back for round two, but again this did not see the long box of a Sega Saturn package. With no release date marked, SegaFY1997 has this down as another “potential third party title.”
Fade to Black — EA

With limited exclusivity on PlayStation according to SegaFY1997, this long boxed lizard friend was set for a Saturn release in December of 1996. Not gonna lie, this chunky third person shooter looks kind of sick. Interestingly, this got an aftermarket port to the Sega Dreamcast in 2018.
Firo & Klawd — BMG

This bizarre looking isometric shooter did not come out in North America at all, though it it did release for the PlayStation in Europe and Japan. This also came out for computer systems. SegaFY1997 scheduled this for a Saturn release in January of 1997.
Fox Hunt — Capcom

“It only LOOKS like a movie…” This is a classically cheesy FMV game from Capcom, of all publishers. A little out of their wheelhouse, though keep in mind, the developers are from 3Vision Games. That company only made two video games. SegaFY1997 has three different release windows for Fox Hunt on Saturn: February, April and May of 1996.
Grand Theft Auto — BMG

Ports of this all-time classic were planned for both the Nintendo 64 and the Saturn, but neither panned out. SegaFY1997 had this pegged for a November 1996 release. I personally feel like a well optimized port of GTA would have run particularly well on Saturn, but that is mere speculation.
Heart of Darkness — Virgin Interactive

With a whopping six year long development cycle, this would not officially release for the PlayStation until 1998. Its Saturn port was pretty far into development, set for release in September 1996 according to SegaFY1997. Another release date says July of 1996.
Heart of Darkness appears multiple times throughout the leaked document. On one page, Sega outlines “key issues” with the game. They reportedly got minimal information about the game itself, and note it will get minimal E3 support. Under “action required,” they say it must be playable by E3, they need to gather more info about the game and eventually nail down a proper launch window.
This appeared to be an important third party title to Sega. They talk about giving the Saturn port “limited exclusivity,” alongside the likes of Tomb Raider and X-Men: Children of the Atom. It is also marked in their financial business plan on an earlier page, with a projected production cost of roughly $1.5 million, and an estimated gross sales total of roughly $2.6 million. It is marked as “key software,” on another page, right next to NiGHTS.
A playable build of a Saturn port prototype leaked to Hidden Palace in 2018. The build has a date of May 31, 1996.
Lethal Enforcers — Konami

The exact details of what this would have been are unclear, per the vague language of SegaFY1997. Though we do know it was set for an October 1996 release. This very well may have been Lethal Enforcers I & II, which later released on the PlayStation after its advertised Saturn port got canned. The game would presumably make use of the Stunner Gun peripheral. (Batteries not included.)
Ninja — US Gold

Originally to be published under US Gold before the company was bought out by Eidos. A Saturn port of Ninja was scheduled for September of 1996 according to SegaFY1997. This port was eventually canceled, and it would not release on PlayStation until 1998. The game had a prolonged development timeline, and was likely pulled from the rings of Saturn because the console was very much on its way out of the west by the time this software was finished.
Rayman 2 — Ubi Soft

Let me preemptively put an asterisk on this one. The Rayman 2 we know and love, a 3D platformer, did not come out until 1999. In 1996, Rayman 2 was originally going to be a 2D platformer. This was set for release on at least the PlayStation and Saturn, with Sega expecting it on their shelves by September 1996 per the document. UbiSoft ultimately decided to axe this for all platforms, and create a 3D Rayman game instead. While SegaFY1997 does not specify this, I am willing to bet they are talking about the originally planned 2D sequel. There is a wealth of information about it online. You can also watch a short clip about its development here. It’s in French.
Shokendo — Jaleco

On the back of the manual for Bases Loaded ’96 Double Header, a Jaleco fighting game called Shokendo is advertised. It shows four screenshots of creamy 3D graphics, saying “the ultimate fighting game” is “coming soon.” It did not come soon. It is believed this turned into Slam Dragon for the PlayStation. SegaFY1997 marks Shokendo down for a release in June of 1996.
Summer Olympics — US Gold

There is a storied history behind the game being in a complete state before getting yoinked last minute. Our resident SHIRO! Peter Malek wrote up a lovely piece about it. SegaFY1997 has it down for June of 1996, and in July of the same year on another page.
Syndicate Wars — EA

This Bullfrog classic would have felt right at home on Saturn. Sadly, its port was canceled in early 1997. Magazine reports show it was mostly finished, only missing FMV sequences. Perhaps a build of the game may leak some day. SegaFY1997 wishes for an August 1996 release.
Voyeur — Phillips

We almost got a CDi game. Nice. Set for release on Saturn in January of 1997 according to SegaFY1997.
Tenka — Psygnosis

Pegged as a potential third party game with no release window in the document. A Saturn port was indeed planned, then latter canned. It came out for the PlayStation
Wing Commander IV — EA

Turns out the price of freedom is sacrificing one Sega Saturn port. The space adventure in all its jank would have been a welcome addition to the more culty end of the Saturn fanbase. SegaFY1997 wanted this out by October 1996.
Japan only Saturn games (11)
Aerobiz ’96 — Koei

Released in Japan as Air Management ’96, a sequel to the Mega Drive game Aerobiz Supersonic. While its 16-bit predecessor did get localized to the United States, its Saturn sequel did not. SegaFY1997 wanted it out in by October 1996. One of the working titles for its localization was supposedly Aerobiz 2000.
Assault Rigs — Psygnosis

SegaFY1997 has this 3D tank shooting game set for a November 1996 release. Its Saturn port exclusively released in Japan.
Devil Summoner — Atlus

This would have been nice to have out in the west. Planned for a U.S. Saturn release in September 1996 according to SegaFY1997.
High Velocity 2 — Atlus

This may be no Initial D, but it sure is fun. Releasing in Japan as Touge King the Spirits 2, this is the sequel to a game that did come out in the United States. The original was localized as High Velocity: Mountain Racing Challenge. It boasts surprisingly great graphics for an early Saturn 3D racing game, releasing in 1995. Sega of America wanted the sequel to come out in November of 1996. It did not though.
Lunar: The Silver Star — Working Designs

The Saturn is known for struggling to compete with PlayStation’s western RPG library. We have already seen games that would have tremendously helped counter balance the problem, and Lunar is absolutely one of them. Working Designs would later translate the game — for the PlayStation. We no longer need to fret nowadays, since SegaXtreme user “Mr Conan” patched the Saturn game to English in 2020. Sega of America wanted this out on Saturn in September of 1996.
Mickey Mouse — SEGA

I would like to slap an asterisk on this one. It is not clear if this note of a “Mickey Mouse” game by “SOJ” implied a mere port of Castle of Illusion (which came out for Saturn in Japan only), or if this means there is an entirely different Mickey Mouse game that later got canceled. The document lists it a couple times without any release window.
Mystery of 7 Mansions — Koei

This 5th-gen-as-hell CG render adventure game from Koei apparently had plans for a western release. SegaFY1997 has it marked for release in December of 1996.
Riglord Saga 2 — SEGA

This sequel to what (some of) the west knows as Mystaria: Realms of Lore was set for a release in November of 1996. It is listed a few times in the document, seemingly a key title. Mystaria was renamed Blazing Heroes after a copyright dispute from Dungeons & Dragons. Copies of Mystaria were even recalled.
Terra Fantastica — SEGA

This mondo sized RPG was apparently targeted for a localization, according to the leaked document. No release window is shown. Malenko is working on an English patch, though it is expected to take some time.
Wizardry 6 & 7 — Data East

Set for a release in November of 1996 per SegaFY1997. This compilation would only release for the Sega Saturn in Japan.
Zork 2: Nemesis — Activision

This was set for a U.S. release in September of 1996. There was also a Sega CD port in the works, though it also never materialized.
European releases (6)
Just to reiterate, these are SegaFY1997 games that had a release in Europe, though their U.S. versions were later canceled.
Destruction Derby — Psygnosis

Set for an American release in June of 1996. American cover art for the canceled U.S. Saturn game is out there.
Disc World — Softbank

Based on the hit novel by the late Terry Pratchett, “Disc World” was set for a U.S. release in August of 1996.
Krazy Ivan — Softbank

This one has prototype US box art. SoA wanted this first person shooter out in November of 1996.
Myst 2 — Sunsoft

The sequel to Myst, now known as Riven, was pegged for a US Saturn release. No release window is given by the document.
The Swagman — US Gold

Yet another US Gold game that would become a pawn in the Eidos merger. SoA wanted this out by July of 1996. This did not release in Europe until April of 1997, nearly a year later.

Just wanted to start by saying that I am not sure why the document lists TWI as the publisher when it was clearly Virgin. But whatever. This is marked as a potential third party game with no release window for a US Saturn version. Z is a bizarre war strategy game that is criminally difficult to search for online thanks to its name. The Saturn version only came out in Europe.
Games that never came out at all (31)
Okay, fellow nerds. We are now going to get into some dense weeds. Some of the listed games have since leaked online in some form, some we already know about — others seem to be brand new to us, with seemingly no mention anywhere else online. If you know otherwise, please reach out. Also, do keep in mind that some of these games did come out years later on future console generations, though they did not come out for the Saturn or any of its 5th gen competitors.
Star Wars / Alien Hive — SIDD

This one hurts. The Saturn never got a Star Wars game, which is rather criminal considering the possibilities. While it is not immediately clear to us exactly what this is, or what the term Alien Hive means, there is a leaked build of a Star Wars Saturn game on Hidden Palace, known as Rebel Strike. It appears to center around a rebel soldier, gunning it up around Endor on a speeder bike. The leaked document has it set for a January 1997 release.
Amazonia (Sacred Pools) — SEGA

This “adult” FMV game that SEGA had the audacity to spend roughly $3 million to create and cancel is believed to have the code name “Amazonia” at one point. “Amazonia” is hand written onto the document with no release window. SaturnDave wrote up a lovely piece about its history. Not too long after, multiple builds of the game, including builds for other platforms like the PlayStation, leaked.
Criticom II — Vic Tokai

Considering how the first game turned out, it is probably a good thing that we did not get this one. Set for release in January of 1997. It is believed this later came out as Dark Rift for the Nintendo 64.
Eternal Champions (1997) — SEGA

We extend our condolences to the family of Michael Latham. His creation, Eternal Champions, had a tumultuous history on the Sega Saturn, ending with no release. It was seemingly pulled in late 1995, reportedly because Sega of Japan was worried about it competing with Virtua Fighter 2. On the leaked document, it appears to be set for an August 1997 release. It would have been a sequel to Mega Drive games of the same name.
Free Runner — SEGA

Set for release in July of 1996 according to the leaked document. Free Runner was said to be an adventure game with arcade-ish gameplay.
Into the Shadows — Scavenger

Being developed by the Scavenger team, Into the Shadows is known for its numerous tech demos and videos throughout the 90’s. The document does not show a release window for this 3D action RPG. If you have a spare two and a half hours, our SHIRO! team interviewed Christian Luarsen from Scavenger, revealing an insane story of getting betrayed by their publisher, thus eliminating many games from existence. A developer said in an interview, the concept of Into the Shadows later became Enclave.
Jack Nicklaus Golf — Accolade

Fully realized on the Mega Drive, not much is known yet about this apparent Saturn installment. It was set for a US release in November of 1996.
Jumper — Accolade

No clue what this is. The document says it was set for release on Saturn in November of 1996, and on PlayStation in October.
Jurassic Park — Sega Technical Institute

Putting an asterisk on this one. Jurassic Park: The Lost World released for the Saturn in October of 1997, though it does not appear to be made by Sega Technical Institute. Tough to say what this was supposed to be, though it was set for a June 1997 release.
M. Thompson’s Super Cross — Playmates

Set for release in August of 1996. We can guess this would have been some type of racing game based on the Mickey Thompson name.
Major Damage — Capcom

A build of this did get leaked to Hidden Palace, so you can play it if you want. This Capcom run’n’gun game, set for a June 1996 release, never came out at all.
MVP Baseball ‘96 — Data East

The above image is an ad for the game from an issue of EGM. This was set for release on both Saturn and PlayStation, but was canceled for unknown reasons. SoA scheduled its release for August of 1996.

Set for release in November of 1997, there is no other information about this game in the leaked document. Not even a publisher. My only guess is that perhaps this became NFL Blitz, hence the Jam name?…
Olympic Basketball — US Gold

This game would later be known as Dream Team Basketball, a canceled multiplatform game. SoA wanted it out by July of 1996. This game likely has ties to Summer Olympics, mentioned earlier in this article.
Roach Racing — SEGA

First off, what an odd name. We see this first party game get mentioned at the end of a Bootleg Sampler demo showcase. Is it cockroaches racing each other? At any rate, it was set for a Saturn release in December of 1996.
Sonic — Sega Technical Institute

This was set for a November 1997 release. We are assuming that “Sonic (STI)” in the document refers to the infamous Sonic X-Treme. Need I say more? The YouTube channel, Stuff We Play, did an excellent documentary about the troubled development cycle with interviews.
Speed Freak — US Gold

Not a clue as to what this is. Please, if you have any ideas, let us know. It was set for a Saturn release in September, 1996.
Supercross — Acclaim

This is mentioned in the document, set for a November 1996 release. Strangely, it is also mentioned by the Japanese Sega Saturn Magazine in its January 1997 issue, set for release in the Spring of that year. Believed to have been in development by Acclaim Japan. Never surfaced anywhere else.
Squid — Acclaim

Yeah, no clue on this one either. Whatever this game is, it was set for release in December of 1996.
The Mutant Chronicles — Acclaim

This appears to be an adaptation to the Mutant Chronicles comic book series. Never came out. Scheduled to come out in February of 1997.
The Tick — FOX

A game based on the 1994 cartoon series did come out for the Mega Drive, but not on Saturn. SoA apparently wanted some form of a Tick game out on Saturn by October 1996.
Triple Play ‘96 — EA

This one also has a Mega Drive game. Set to come out on Saturn in July of 1996.
Unnecessary Roughness — Accolade

Yet another Mega Drive game set for some kind of Saturn release. This one would have seemingly filled in the Football void. In the U.S., football games are a major reason for the success of the Mega Drive/Genesis. This would have come out for Saturn in October of 1996.
UFO — Sega Technical Institute

Another mystery game, set for release in May of 1997.
VectorMan — SEGA

A Saturn version of VectorMan was apparently set for release in September of 1997. Not much is known about this SoA alleged Saturn installment from the all-time 2D classic game series. We do know that despite the Saturn’s 2D strengths, SoA wanted to focus on 3D games, since that was what they believed to be in demand.
VF RPG (Shenmue) — SEGA

A known code name for Shenmue was dropped in the leaked document, set for a release in May of 1997. SaturnDave did a nice article about how the hit Dreamcast adventure game was supposed come out for Saturn at first. It is also known to be developed alongside the mysterious “Saturn 2” console enhancing peripheral. According to sources close to PandaMonium, this device was going to be similar to the 32X. The device would attach somewhere in the back of the console, likely the cartridge slot, sharply boosting Saturn’s 3D graphic capabilities. It would have processed the polygonal elements like characters, pieces of the environment and objects — while the Saturn’s core would handle skies, HUDs, and other large sprite-like graphics, largely utilizing its VDP 2 chip.
Virtua Cop 3

A rather mysterious entry to the document, set for release in November 1997. This is odd because Virtua Cop 3 did not come out in the arcades until 2003, much later. It was likely not even in development at the time of this leaked document. SoA appears to be betting on SoJ making this game. Virtua Cop 3 never got a proper home console release, with a finished original Xbox port leaking online years later.
Virtua Fighter 3 — SEGA

Another famous cancelation, also in development alongside the “Saturn 2” expansion peripheral. The document has this set for an October 1997 release. This came out in the arcades in 1996, and would not get a home port until the Dreamcast came out. This Saturn port was highly anticipated to console fans across the world.
Virtual On 2 — SEGA

Much like the alleged Virtua Cop 3 port, this one is also odd. The timeline does not add up. This did not come out in the arcades until March of 1998, though SoA thought it may release on Saturn by February 1998. A little closer than the Virtua Cop 3 timeline, this one could also be an SoA gamble.
Werewolf — Capcom

Set for a Saturn release in September of 1996 according to SegaFY1997. This never came out at all, but a build did leak to Hidden Palace.
Yur It — Virgin Interactive

Yeah, not a damn clue what Yur It was supposed to be. SoA wanted it on Saturn by September of 1996.
Mysterious code names…
In the leaked document, we have spotted seven code names of games that likely came out under a different name, or are too vague to figure out. These are not included in the canceled games count.
Absolute Doom — GTI
This likely became the infamous Doom port on Sega Saturn.
Daytona “Remix” — SEGA
The “Remix” moniker was used in Virtua Fighter: Remix, a graphical upgrade to the first Virtua Fighter Saturn port. We believe the remixed Daytona came out as Daytona: Championship Circuit Edition, an upgraded port of Daytona with better graphics, more cars and new tracks.
Soccer — SEGA
The document has a game called “Soccer” by Sega of Japan set for release in April of 1997.
The Show — Virgin Interactive
Our best guess: this is some kind of baseball game. Grand Slam, a Saturn baseball game by Virgin, came out in 1997.
Virtua Fighter 2 “Remix” — SEGA
This one was confusing, since you cannot really “remix” Virtua Fighter 2. It was already considered to be one of the Saturn’s finest 3D games. We think it is possible that this became Fighters Megamix, or Virtua Fighter Kids.
WWF 5 — Acclaim
This may very well be WWF: In Your House.
Yummemi 3
With no publisher listed, we are assuming this is part of the Mansion of Hidden Souls saga, since its Japanese name is Yumemi Mystery Mansion. The third game in this series released as Torico in Europe and Lunacy in North America.
List of canceled games recap
If you wanted a list that is easier to highlight and copy/paste:
Canceled PC port:
11th Hour
Dark Sun
Manic Carts
Star Control 3
Terra Nova
The Elder Scrolls Arena
Zone Raiders
5th gen multiplatform game (On PS1, other home consoles):
Alien vs Predator
Big Bass Championship (Big Bass World Championship for PS1)
Deadly Skies
Death Trap Dungeon
Descent 2
Fade to Black
Firo & Klawd
Fox Hunt
Grand Theft Auto
Heart of Darkness
Lethal Enforcers
Rayman 2
Shokendo (Jaleco)
Summer Olympics (US Gold)
Syndicate Wars
Voyeur (Phillips)
Wing Commander IV
Only came out in Japan:
Aerobiz ‘96
Assault Rigs
Devil Summoner
High Velocity 2
Lunar: Silver Star Story
Mickey Mouse
Mystery of 7 Mansions
Riglord Saga 2
Terra Phatastica
Wizardry 6&7
Zork 2 Nemesis
Came out in Europe:
Destruction Derby
Disc World
Krazy Ivan
Myst 2
Game that never came out at all:
Alien Hive / Star Wars (SIDD)
Amazonia (Sacred Pools)
Criticom 2
Eternal Champions
Free Runner
Into the Shadows
Jack Nicklaus Golf
Jurassic Park (STI)
M. Thompson’s Super Cross
Major Damage
MVP Baseball ‘96
Olympic Basketball
Roach Racing
Sonic (STI)
Speed Freak
The Mutant Chronicles
The Tick
Triple Play ‘96
Unnecessary Roughness
VF RPG (Shenmue)
Virtua Cop 3
Virtua Fighter 3
Virtual On 2
Yur It
You’re missing something. Discworld 2 was also released in Europe for the Saturn. I actually have a copy of it.
I don’t believe Nick intended this as a comprehensive list of canceled Saturn games.
It’s a list of Saturn games mentioned in the Fiscal Year ’97 brand review docs that never came out.
There were, of course, other canceled games that were not mentioned in these documents.
Oh! I understand, sorry about that.
Worth to mention Riven was also released in Brazil by Tectoy and is the only officially translated game in portuguese.
Also, no mention of Legacy of Kain in the documents?