At long last, Netflix is streaming all 13 episodes of “Uncle From Another World” in the U.S. Not only are all of them subtitled in English, but by surprise, they’re all dubbed into English, too.
Subscribers can watch the anime featuring a bevy of loving references to Sega — and the Saturn in particular — here.

“Uncle” began airing in Japan in July last year, with U.S. Netflix subscribers enjoying episodes with English subtitles lagging a couple weeks behind. The season was expected to wrap up in late September, but just four episodes into its 13-episode run, animation studio AtelierPontdarc announced delays because much of its staff contracted COVID-19.
While the show returned to Japanese airwaves for three more episodes in August, its new episodes didn’t appear on Netflix for English-speaking audiences. That may have been just as well, with the anime getting another delay until late November when five more episodes aired through Dec. 22, then another 11-week delay before the final episode aired in Japan earlier this month on March 8.
But during that time, Netflix maintained radio silence on when — or if — it would translate those episodes. In fact, despite the final six episodes of “Uncle” finally hitting the service today, Netflix’s anime Twitter account has yet to acknowledge it, let alone mention that they’ve been dubbed into English as well. The more than six-month hiatus has gone officially unexplained.
Putting two and two together, it seems likely that the English dub is the reason U.S. audiences have waited so long for the show to come back.
The first seven episodes got English dubs a few days ago on Monday. When the final six episodes appeared on Netflix today, they were both subbed and dubbed.
A few of the English voice actors announced their roles Tuesday on Twitter.
“Uncle From Another World” is based on a manga by Hotondoshindeiru that began in 2018 and is still ongoing. There’s no word on a second season for the anime adaptation, but such things often take months or even years to be announced.
The premise is that, after being in a coma for 17 years, a man suddenly wakes up speaking an unrecognizable language and wielding magical powers. His nephew takes him in to live with him at his apartment, and he’s increasingly drawn in by his uncle’s tales of the fantasy world he allegedly lived in during his coma.
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