EDITOR’S CORNER PODCAST – EP 11: Saturn Collecting with Sega Lord X

Join SaturnDave & Sega Lord X as they discuss collecting for the SEGA Saturn and video game collecting in general…

About the author


Patrick, AKA TraynoCo is a co-founder of Sega Saturn Shiro. Patrick has a passion for Saturn projects such as homebrew and fan translations. Putting a spotlight on them in both podcast and video forms, trying to bring more attention to the ever growing Saturn homebrew scene.

Readers Comments (1)

  1. My favorite console, specially the white model, I sold it with over a 100 games in the early 00’s. I’m OK emulating it, my PC handles it quite well and the most important aspect about the console are the games.
    But, if I was a billionaire, you bet I’d revive and avenge the console, fan projects would become official and possibly sequels the Saturn didn’t receive would be brought to the console, Tomb Raider II and III, Resident 2 and 3, just to name a few, I mean, you have the money to make it happen, why not even bring Mr. Suzuki to bring Shenmue to it. Yes, billionaires are crazy people, I wouldn’t be different.

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