A couple weeks ago, our very own Dr. Emerald Nova came onto the SHIRO! SHOW and let us take a first look at his work on an English translation of Baroque for the Sega Saturn.
The version currently released, is fittingly named, “Bastard Baroque”, which is to reflect the basic elements translated to help play through and beat the game.

So far, the menu, inventory, and about 30% of the NPC dialogue has been translated in this abbreviated style.
While it might not be the exact meaning, it’s at least good enough to progress in a very text heavy game. Whether it be navigating the menus, or picking up a vague hint on how to progress, any English in the game is a massive help!

For me, playing this game in English was vastly easier than navigating the previously pure Japanese menu in the original, especially in such a fast paced, rouge-like game where any mistake can take you all the way back to the beginning.

While there is no ETA on a finalized Baroque English fan translation on Saturn, Dr. Emerald Nova and Knight0fDragon are slowing progressing through the game, and translating each in game element.
As many of you know, a PlayStation fan translation of Baroque was coincidently released a couple days after premiering the Saturn version Dr. Emerald Nova and Knight0fDragon have been working on. While both teams are insulated in themselves, it would be cool to see both teams collaborate, and potentially lend each of the talents to each respective patch.
If you’d like to try out “Bastard Baroque” for yourself, you can download the patch here:
Big thanks again to Dr. Emerald Nova and Knight0fDragon for making this awesome fan translation!
You can follow Dr. Emerald Nova’s progress here:
Website: https://emeraldnova.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EmeraldNovaGame
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/emeraldnovagames
Be sure to follow us here at SHIRO! to keep up to date on this amazing fan translation’s progress!
This is amazing! Been wanting to play through this one for years, these translations are like Christmas every time one hits! Huge thanks to KOD and Emerlad Nova for all their hard work 👍