Street Racer is a sleek and smooth 1 to 8 (via a crazy split screen!) player kart-racing game. Select one of 8 characters and then race / attack your way to victory. Tracks are short and circular but make beautiful use of Saturn hardware for great visuals and a rock-solid framerate. Winner!

Great review Patrick!! It’s coincidence that I actually bought this game online earlier this afternoon from the UK! I’ve had this gem on my radar since discovering it on YouTube last year and can’t wait to receive this “Mario Kart on steroids” game soon!! 🏎🏁
This is actually the game that’s on my Saturn right now. Quite fun, fast and makes constant use of transparencies! A bit different than the Playstation version and much better, in fact.
I’ve seen so many videos, and the gameplay looks slow like Christmas.
Is there a speed option to turn up the speed settings?