DID YOU KNOW?: In addition to pushing the Saturn hardware with it’s release of the Hi-Saturn Navi w/LCD attachment, Hitachi also made a 24″ standard definition anamorphic CRT (the Hitachi Wide View C24-WX50) that had a SEGA Saturn multi-video terminal built into the front of the unit! This set was absolutely MADE to take advantage of Saturn’s anamorphic WIDE SCREEN games (of which there were admittedly only a few), and much of the new anamorphic widescreen content, including MUSE and WIDE VISION laserdiscs, that were quickly gaining in popularity in Japan during the mid 90’s.

In fact, it turns out they ALSO made a 20″ inch Hello Kitty branded Wide View with built-in Sega Saturn terminal… FANTASTIC!

Sure wish we could get our hands on one of these babies.., but the shipping would probably be killer.., not to mention it would probably KILL the CRT as well… Anyway, I guess it’s just another one of those wonderful niche curiosities that Japanese gamers had the benefit of enjoying well before such things hit western shores…
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