Hey everyone, SaturnDave here! 😃
As a huge fan of the Official Sega Saturn Magazine, it’s been a long time dream of mine and my brother SHIRO!, Peter Malek, to have a NEW Sega Saturn Magazine. I guess somewhere along the line, we figured if we really wanted it to happen, we were just going to have to make it ourselves… 😆
For years now, Peter has been writing excellent articles over on the site, and I’ve been chipping away at the design and layout of this mag for a very long time (given my busy schedule), and it’s finally at a point where we can share a sneak preview with you… We plan to have this available in both digital download and print.
While we are still working out some of the distribution logistics, we welcome you to subscribe and follow us for future updates.

Guys, this is amazing! As a lover of all things Saturn, I will definitely be ordering one of these as soon as they’re available!
is the Magazine now I really miss those Sega Mags