A Sega Xtreme user who wishes to remain anonymous has put together a short 1 level port of Xeno Crisis on the Sega Saturn.

Most of the sprites and sound effects have been implemented, some enemies and sound effects have not been added however. The anonymous developer mentioned having to painstakingly capture every frame, clean up the spites, and center to an sprite sheet. From the looks of it, he did a fantastic job! Turning out to be a fantastic showcase for what could be possible on Saturn using the Jo Engine.

No final boss has been implemented, so the demo ends in the boss chambers. Due to this being an indie game currently being sold new, no download will be provided. There really isn’t much to play with at the moment anyways…

Hopefully the developer could work with Bitmap Bureau on furthering the port, and potentially be fully develped on the Saturn as a retail release!
Big thanks to regular SHIRO! contributor Mr^Burns for letting us know about this awesome demo!
Bitmap Bureau has done a fantastic job with this game, and you should support them by purchasing the game for Genesis/MegaDrive, Neo Geo, and Dreamcast here:
You can check out the full gameplay demo on actual Saturn hardware here:
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