NEW DETAILS! House of the Dead Remake


New details have emerged regarding MegaPixel Studio’s House of the Dead Remake! In a recent Twitch Stream/Interview, Artur Gregoznyc from Forever Entertainment, revealed information about the game’s various features and even hinted at a possible release to other consoles after its limited exclusivity on Switch.

Fragments of Silicon Season 14, Episode 22B: Artur Gregoznyc of Forever Entertainment

It’s been over a month now since the official announcement trailer for the game dropped, and fans are curious to know what the remake will bring to the table in terms of new features and gameplay. While the developer’s intent will obviously be to keep most of the audio and visual content true to it’s source, albeit in sharper detail, gameplay features will receive some significant updates…

Official Trailer for House Of The Dead Remake

According to Gregoznyc, the game is being built on the Unity Engine, same as the Panzer Dragoon remakes. The game will also feature a NEW “Horde Mode” that consists of “15 times the number of enemies” in certain areas, creating a rapid-fire experience tailored to veterans of the original, looking for a new challenge. HotD Remake will also include unlockable characters, a slick & modern UI redesign, an HD rumble feature and loads of “new gameplay settings” for folks to mess around with.

The Switch release of HotD Remake will run at a planned 720p at 60fps while docked and 30fps while in handheld mode. The publisher is also looking into releasing the game on other consoles aside from the Switch, including a possible Steam release at some point. MegaPixel Studios is also currently starting work on remaking House of the Dead 2, considered by many to be the best game in the franchise. (No confirmation of release date at present.)

Fans of this classic arcade shooter have a lot to look forward to. Now let’s just hope they keep it in the oven long enough to work out all the major bugs before release. As usual, we’ll keep you up to date on any new information that comes down the pipe.


  1. Built on Unity (like Panzer Dragoon: Remake).
  2. Coming first to Switch, currently testing on 4 different platforms. Likely a Steam release.
  3. UI has been redesigned and modernized.
  4. Classic Mode will consist of original game (remade) with updated graphics.
  5. No option to play the original HOTD; sources lost and it’s “impossible” to rip assets.
  6. Horde Mode to be fast-paced with 15 times the number of enemies. (Unlockable characters, etc.).
  7. “Nostalgic Mode” with lower-poly graphics to be considered if there is enough demand.
  8. Remade voice acting that will be “purposely bad”.
  9. Music is “extremely inspired” by the original, but no option to listen to original’s OST.
  10. HD Rumble for gun shooting effects.
  11. Several control options including JoyCon sticks and gyro controls.
  12. Ragdoll physics when shooting enemies will remain as it’s a “critical” feature of the game.
  13. Game demo may be considered if enough people request it on Discord and Twitter.
  14. The team has worked with Sega, but have not been in contact with Sega AM1, HOTD’s original developer.
  15. HOTD 1 & 2 remakes are planned as separate releases, and HOTD 2 is currently beginning development.
  16. Crosshairs will be different colors for each player.
  17. Blood color can be changed.
  18. Price likely to be within the $15 – $20 range.
  19. For research, the team played the original game via original hardware and emulation.
  20. HotD remake improves daily, and is in a “better state” today than when Panzer Dragoon: Remake was launched.
  21. It’s unlikely the game will make an appearance at E3.
About the author


A massive Saturn fan since Christmas '96, Dave is enthusiastic about growing the community and spreading Saturn love and knowledge to fans old and new. Co-founding the SEGA SATURN, SHIRO! podcast back in 2017 and creating the SHIRO! SHOW in 2020, he seeks to create interesting and engaging Saturn-related content for the community. Dave's interests circle around game preservation, and he is a huge fan of game magazines and developer interviews.

Readers Comments (1)

  1. Giga_Force 2021-06-02 @ 19:49

    Did they talk about the soundtrack? Will they include the original or will it be an arrangement?

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